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Am I an author now?

Updated: May 30, 2020

From as early as I can remember, I have always loved the creation of stories. As a child, my stories were mainly created through Lego or Barbie play, dressing up, drawings or paintings. Not a day went by when I didn’t create a tale in my head, and I still do it; on the tube, in the car, at work, there are no limits how much you can spice up the everyday life! I wrote my first book as a four-year-old on my parent’s old typewriter; “The Birthday Party”. The second book was written in second grade together with my best friend, it was called; “The Highjackers”. It hopefully entertained the classmates a little. ​ Then as busy life happened, education, building a career, moving to London from Stockholm, travelling the world, getting married and having children. For a short while, I got into Stand up Comedy, never with the intent to work as a comedian but a way to be creative and learn something new. ​ Storytelling kept being part of my life; in the form of customer case studies and presentations; daily made up good night stories to my two girls; comedy material; or to cheer a friend up with something fun. The biggest library of stories has still just been written in my own head. ​ In 2012 throughout a breakup and divorce, followed by a lengthy and costly experience in Family Court, I started to write a story - The Secret of the Crying Minds. It wasn’t until 2020, after being furloughed during isolation, that I finally challenged myself to become a published writer. Nine years of writing. A two thousand page story. 5 books. It is somewhat scary to let go and open up your stories to a broader audience but at the same time, an incredible feeling of relief and accomplishment. At the moment I am working hard to get the first book through editing, trust me, it is a lot of work. Being Swedish but writing in English was harder than I thought... The planned book launch date for the first book in the series, The Secret of the Crying Minds, is 1 June 2020, with next book, The Hunt of the Crying Minds, following six months later. Hopefully, this book series will excite, scare and thrill you. Make you fall in love but also hate. Most of all, become more passionate and involved for a positive change. The biggest question for me is now, does writing this story make me an author? Pinch me if I am. It has been my dream always.

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